
Have the UK politicians become too sophisticated for their own good?

In the eyes of many, few politicians would ever come close to being as successful as Tony Blair. He was a skilled communicator, charismatic and eloquent. He knew what to say and more importantly how and when to say it. Undoubtedly, these are really important credentials for politician to have. After all, politicians are required to sell themselves and ideas to the electorates.

Tony Blair became leader of the Labour Party in 1994 when his party was in turmoil. Labour was considered anti-business and too left with no real chance to get into power. In 1997, Tony Blair - with the help of massive American style marketing campaign - ended 18 wilderness years and formed a New Labour government. He achieved this by distancing his party from socialism and its left wing ideology and convincing voters that the old Labour was dead and the New Labour was friend to business.

To achieve power, there was a hefty price of losing the party's identity. In the name of unity, Mr Blair silenced all his critics and their left wing Socialist ideas. The New Labour Party in fact became the new Conservatives in everything but the name.

Tony Blair was the pioneer of the new style of politics in the UK where politicians only ever say what they believe the public want to hear. It's therefore quite understandable to witness his anger and frustration with Mr Corbyn, the frontrunner in the Labour leadership race.  Corbyn's style and opinion is exactly what in Blair's opinion kept Labour from power before his creation of the New Labour Party. Andy Burnham, who is challenging Mr Corbyn for the Labour leadership, agrees that the Labour party should  listen to Mr Blair, a hero who won three general elections for them. Andy Burnham wants to follow Blair's legacy for success and win the next general election.

The irony is that Mr Blair's way is no longer a guarantee for success. The fact is that even if one did not agree with their views, it was always interesting to listen to pre New Labour era politicians such as Tony Benn. He was a former Labour politician and cabinet minister. His speeches were always passionate and from the heart. In contract, listening to Tony Blair and Andy Burnham's carefully prepared speeches is like listening to a well rehearsed professionally delivered feel good advert and nothing else.

In my opinion, the popularity of Mr Corbyn and Donald Trump (a candidate for US presidential election) is not because all of sudden electorates have decided to love extreme views. It is in fact, a strong NO vote to sophisticated modern day politicians' insincerity, lack of conviction and their empty promises. Unfortunately, for Mr Blair and his supporters and in the words  of Abraham Lincoln "you cannot fool all the people all of the time". 

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